Friday, November 28, 2014

Diamondhead, MS and Mom

Sunday, November 23, 2014. Sunday was a nice day, inside as well as outside and good to visit with Benny’s Mom and sisters.

Monday, November 24, 2014.  We spent today visiting the local marina in Bay St. Louis and doing some shopping and sight-seeing.  Bay St. Louis was pretty much destroyed during Hurricane Katrina and Rita and is rebuilding.  Many of the old homes survived, but many more did not.  The marina has been completely rebuilt complete with a new breakwater.  It is designed so that if the water ever goes to 20 feet over flood stage again, the water will cover the marina without destroying it.  I don’t think that applies to the boats there though!  The have also put in a sound system which emits the sounds of birds in distress and birds of prey.  This is extremely effective at keeping the seagulls, cormorants and pelicans out of the marina and off the docks.

All along the Gulf Coast, someone (or more than one someone) has been creating sculptures out of the dead live oak trees left by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita.  Many are angels symbolizing the spirit of the people that live in this part of the country.  Click on the link below to see some pictures of the beautiful sculptures.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014.  We awoke to my mom being short of breath and having chest pains.  The EMTs arrived, followed shortly by the ambulance.  Mom was taken to the ER at Gulfport Memorial Hospital, where it was determined that she had significant fluid build up in her lungs.  Meds were given and she was put on oxygen and she was admitted.  By the afternoon, she was doing much better.  My sister Patricia stayed the night with Mom.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014.  Mom seems to be a lot better today.  Meds are great when they work. They also fit her with a portable pace maker and she gets discharged at 6pm.  Once home we get her settled, fed and to bed.  Her appetite has returned and she seems to be comfortable.

Thursday, November 27, 2014.  Thanksgiving. Robert, my brother-in-law, makes the turkey, Lisa and I make dressing, our frozen cranberry dressing, and green bean salad.  My sister Liz makes sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and gravy and the rolls.  A great dinner was had by all.  Mom is alert and up and about and has dinner with the family.  A very nice day with a lot to be thankful for. We hope yours was too.

Friday, November 28, 2014.  Black Friday.  Mom is doing great.  Up and about.  Walking outside, eating well.  No alarms from the portable pace maker since she has been home.  Lisa and I originally planned to head back to the boat today, but we will probably stay until Tuesday when Mom has her followed up doctors visit.  We did some Black Friday shopping today, but learned that “door busters” means they may or may not (in our case “may not”) have the item in the store.

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